Huge launched a redesigned for Google in 2023. Earlier that year, I was brought to support the core design team for one week, with the specific goal of designing captivating visual elements for the homepage. Three of the concepts that I proposed made it into the final product, which is now up for a Webby award.
For people that visit the site on Chrome, the core team designed a page with updates and education for Chrome users. With the goal of showing the depth of the Chrome experience through a simple visual, I designed a motion interaction— users see a collection of Chrome screens that speak to personalization and core features which lock into place and pan as the they scroll, giving the page a distinctly "Chrome" visual appeal while smoothly transitioning into the core value props.
The core team devised a strategy where core value props for the browser would make up the key areas of the page. They designed specific badge lockups for each area (ie. Security, Personalization, etc.). Through Figma prototypes, I proposed the idea of adding motion to the iconography in these lockups, which made it into the live site, adding personality and drawing attention to these key messages.
These dynamic icons were brought into the hero message for users who had not yet downloaded Chrome, emphasizing the core value proposition.
I'm excited to see some of the visual design and motion concepts I proposed make it into this site that millions of people will visit—but I did so during a short support engagement, and the core Chrome team at Huge commands primary recognition: Alejandra Monroy, Madison Behringer, Katie Spohn, Carlos Rodas, Andres Cardenas, Roger Young, Andrea Torres, Christina Martin, Josiah Hughes and a team of dozens of additional engineers, strategists, qa testers, and program/product managers.